Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Snow Day #2 & 3 and 4 people at church!

Hola familia y amigos!
I know I know, the headline is very disappointed seeing as when we have snow days here we literally do NOTHING. . . well we do stuff but it just isn't exciting to talk about. haha. Like our studies and what not, not really exciting unless you learn something extremely neat! But I will go a head and tell you all about our adventures this week anyways! ;)
Neat experience. . Last P-day while we were at the library writing you all of you! We met a guy named Matthew. The computers were all down for a minute and Hermana nord hadn't sent her email so we had to wait for them to be back on. Anyways so Matthew was talking to all of us and we were explaining what we do. He said he'd talked to the missionaries before but hadn't really done anything. Basically it was funny because he was trying to flirt with all of us and we didn't care to be flirted with. haha. So it was hilarious. Anyways we gave him a Mormon.org card with the Elders numbers on it. (They are English elders, the ZL's). So apparently after we left the ZL's started talking to him and invited him to FHE and what not that night in the singles ward. And he went! He is taking the discussions right now! So just think. . . all of you are in a way already doing missionary work! Just by reading my emails. ;) haha.
I also got such a neat little email from President Baker, he had this really great thing he said to me "Sister Gray-- the lord will refine your personality and character as you serve this mission, but you will still be the wonderful self you are, just shinier and with greater spiritual capacity. I hope this week was better and I know it will improve for you as you persist." What great advice! He seriously has the best advice each week for me. But I just liked how he was like you will still be the same you, just better and more spiritual! That is what missionary work is! You are you, just more in tune with the spirit! =)
Tuesday was super fun! Sister Hamilton (stake president's wife) and sister Chamberlin (branch presidents wife) took us to lunch! We met up with all the Hermana's in the surrounding areas at a little restaurant in Williamsburg called Blue Talon Bistro. It was SO SO delicious! I ate a really intense burger (I am totally American, I feel like I always order a burger or something but I think it is delicious so I'll get over it!). It was so good though! They called it "Hermana appreciation lunch". They make me laugh. They seriously are the sweetest ladies. They just take care of you. They are like our second mom's out here in the mission! =) They always are calling and seeing if we need anything. They just are so wonderful! =)
We also met with Estaban this night! And he set a BAPTISMAL DATE for the 17th of February!!! And this is like probably a legit date. He is working so hard to meet it. Although it got a little touchy last lesson when we taught about tithing. He is supporting all of his family in Guatemala. So it will be interesting to see. He did come to church yesterday though! and in church a couple of people bore testimony about tithing. WAHOO!!! An answer to our prayers! =) =)
Wednesday was a SNOW DAY. . haha. It started snowing late Tuesday and it snowed a good three inches. We were all bound to our apartment so we decided to walk to Red Robin, it is like half a mile from our apartment or less. . so we are walking more like trekking because it is uphill and there is lots of snow. I bet we looked pretty hilarious in all our snow gear and dresses with our little badges on. We were doing great. Then a cute little family pulled over and gave us a ride. They were like it is TOO dangerous for you sisters to be out here. we just laughed. They are in the English ward. But they were so great they dropped us off at Red Robin and we had a good little lunch. (I had yet another burger. . . telling you, American! This is why I didn't go out of the country. . . I wouldn't have survived!). =)
Afterwards we trekked back to our apartment, but first we decided to trek to walmart and buy ice cream. =) Yes, we are crazy. So we went to Walmart got our ice cream and then came back to the apartment and watched Ephraim's Rescue AGAIN. haha. For the third time in 2 weeks. =) We are dorks. We now can basically quote the whole movie and we decided the main lady the mom, is really annoying. She cannot speak in that accent. It makes us laugh. So we watched it yet again. and just played games and talked. Got to know each other better. We did studies for a little longer but there is only so much studying you can take at one time. We had a great time in with our snow!
Thursday was ANOTHER SNOW DAY! We were REALLY sick of our apartment. haha. we did actually get out of the apartment though because the McCoy's were super amazing and gave us a ride! Go them! Hermana Nord and I had a conference call with President BAker this day. We talked about the 12 week program with all the other missionaries I came in with. It was really a neat opportunity for all of us to share our progress in the program and discuss all the things we are doing. It truly is inspiring (although I truly do think English has it easier because they already know the language. haha. I was like this program would be SO much easier in English, but I will get over it. I am happy to speak Spanish though! Definitley a challenge but an exciting challenge!).
The McCoy's were nice enough to drop us at Wendy's so we could have a lesson with Estaban. We discussed the plan de salvacion with him and talked about the palabra de sabaduria with him. He took it all well and is progressing like crazy! He is getting some slack from his parents right now though so we will see what is happening. We have another lesson with him tonight. =)
This night we also went to the Hernandez Family (a cute little recent convert family). And celebrated Thiago's first birthday! She made us dinner and we had cake and celebrated. He is so stinking cute! I need to get a picture of him for you all just so you can see his adorableness. He is a cutie pie. =)
Afterwards they drove us to the Hamilton's home and we had a big ward party for Elder Jones (DL) and also Elder Larsen (ZL) who are going home tomorrow. Crazy! But it was so fun. We had the chance to celebrate their time here and Hermana Garcia made them all a cute "dead" cake with a lot of symbolism. They both spent like all of their mission here basically. It is insane. They have lived in the same apartment together for 18 months out of their whole mission. Which is basically my whole mission. It was so great. They both are the best and they are going to do great things in life. =)
This day all the Hermana's in my apartment also learned I am freakishly good at Mancala. (that little wood game with the marbles pebble things). haha. I DOMINATE this game. I think it was all the hours Chrissy and I played it growing up. They were all so impressed. I cream them like almost every time. =) Gray competitive skills right here. ;)
Friday. .. . we were RELEASED to teach the people!
It truly was nice to finally start teaching again. We met up with our cute little family we came in contact with Jesus, Miriam and Natasha. I think I told you about them last letter. He is a member and was converted in Mexico. Anyways we have had TONS of progress with them in such a short time. We are teaching them the lessons. We taught them the plan of salvations yesterday and they are just so excited. They want to have an eternal family. It makes me so happy to see them so happy! No joke I just feel their love for the gospel. It is such a great feeling. =) We set a date for March 1 for baptism with Miriam and Natasha. =) We did talk to president chamberlin last night though and there is some complications so Miriam probably won't be baptized on this date but Natasha still can. =) Natasha is 8 and is just the cutest little girl. SUPER shy. But she is opening up a little at a time. =) Miriam is so excited. I really wish she could get baptized sooner but they have to get married and that is where the complications come in. It is some interesting work here. =) haha. Can't give you too much detail but just keep them in your prayers! =)
WE also visited Judith and taught her  how to make banana muffins. It was super fun. She appreciated the visit. Especially with Angel gone. We are hoping to keep teaching her the lessons with him away. I think it will be great. =) She is having us over for Hermana Nord's birthday this week sometime. :) Judith is so nice though and fed us dinner (although we told her we had a dinner appointement. . .)
So this is where the great story comes in. . .haha. We eat dinner at Judith's. Then we are supposed to drive to the Chamberlin's for dinner. We are LATE. Like twenty minutes, but he knows this. And since he lives on base he has to get us at the gate and then we have to show id's and what not. So we are late. Driving. Our GPS is totally not correct. Yeah, let's just say we almost died. haha. HErmana Nord may have almost ran a red light on accident. But it is all good! =) We survived and we had two dinners. The life of the Spanish missionary. ;)
The dinner with the chamberlin's was super delicious though! Pasta bar. They are the greatest. I tend to really enjoy their house. ;)
Greatest story ever, or at least I think it was hilarious. . .
So we are following the other Hermana's back to our apartment from the Chamberlin's and we were going to stop at Natasha's and give her an English BOM. But the elder's had put the English BOm's in their car on accident and not ours. So we are at a red light and I get out of the car and go knock on their side window (their phone was dead or we would have called them). Hermana Sahleen looked like she was going to pee her pants. it was HILARIOUS!!! They were like I though you were a rapist!! Then I was laughing and I was like why would they knock? lol. But It brought me true joy to have this moment. Don't worry I am laughing writing about it and am getting hilarious looks from those around me. :)
I also got a fun Valentine package from Katie Hoggan! I was excited! =) It was super fun and I am enjoying all of it's contents. ;)
Saturday we tried visiting lots of people but lots of people ehaven't been home because of the snow. They are now finally out and about but we ate dinner with the Castillo's. So delicious. But hilarious story again. Hermana Sahleen used their toilet and it broke somehow. So she decides to text elder jones and he just nods from across the table and went and fixed it. haha. =) I laughed so hard when she was telling us what was happening after. Apparently it has happened before though so we weren't too worried. Elder Jone's is the greatest. All of us hermana's are going to miss him. He seriously is such a great District Leader.
Yesterday we ahd a great day! Our little family came to church and so did Estaban! They all loved it! =) I was so happy! We also had a lesson with the family and it was just so great. Miriam said a prayer at the end that was just so humble and sweet. I think one of the best parts of missionary work is being able to pray with a family. And see the joy they get with knowing their purpose! How can you not enjoy bringing happiness to others?? =)
I love you all! I hope you have a great week, even with the Broncos losing. =( I was sad to hear this. We were talking about it at oompa lumpa this morning. Marc. . . I am sorry. I cheered hard even without being able to watch it. =)
I love you all! Be safe! Enjoy the snow! And glad to hear you got my "hugs" =)
Love you,
Hermana Gray

Snow Day


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