Monday, May 19, 2014

Life In Virginia

Hola famila!
This week has been a little more difficult than normal. . I have no idea why.  Probably it just seems like FOREVER ago that I talked to you and literally it was like a week ago. This makes it all the more difficult. But it has been a good week never the less. We just struggled to have motivation some days but I figure you just get to work and hope that your day turns out all right. =)
It wasn't too bad. . we did struggle with lessons which isn't very fun but we are doing okay now. We had to drop a lot of our investigators because they just weren't progressing which is so hard, because sometimes you think. . . if we can't teach them who in the world are we supposed to teach??!? But Heavenly Father will provide those who are ready!
We did have the chance to have 2 new investigators this week!!
We contacted a former named Antonio! He seems really interested again which is WONDERFUL! We called him one night. . well actually. .
So last week we were trying to call Antonio (our investigator, who is now a former. .) But we were trying to call him to see if our appointment was good. And I accidentally called former Antonio. So whoops. . my bad. So then He tried calling us back but we had been in a lesson and then it was too late to call him back so we just were like we will call him tomorrow. So it just so happened that we accidentally forgot until two days later. We were sitting in our car because our lesson had just fallen through. . we didn't have anywhere else to go, we had tried all our backups so we were going to call our investigator Edilberta to see if we could stop by and then Hermana Newman just says, Hermana Gray call Antonio. haha, okay than. . .she hands me the phone and it just so happens, I call and he answers! =) And I just asked if we could set up an appointment for the next week and he was like. . well I don't really know my schedule but you could come over now if you wanted to! WAHOO!! Yes, we would love that. So we went over and had a good lesson with him. He seems so nice. We are going to go back sometime this week. . we just have to call him because of his work schedule. =) But that was definitely a tender mercy of the Lord.
We also had the chance to contact another investigator/former/we passed her to the Elders (since she lives in their area but they haven't been able to get in) so we went over to visit her. And we took sweet Miriam with us. So we go in, start having a lesson, she is a little skeptical as is than her friend shows up. Oh goodness this lady just wanted to argue. . but of course we didn't. She just straight out says "I'm Catholic and we worship Mary, and there isn't such thing as churches only temples. . ." and she just went on and on. So our investigator got a little scared to say things and just shut down so we just testified and left and are visiting her next Friday so hopefully her friend doesn't show up. haha. =) But afterwards as we were driving Miriam back home in the car she says "something just left when that lady showed up. . .I don't know how to explain it". . yes,  yes, the spirit definitely was gone! I was so happy that she is so in tune with the spirit that she could recognize it so instantly!
She is the greatest too! She received a calling in church yesterday! She is now doing something with visiting teaching!
They also had us over last Monday night for FHE. We talked about the armor of God and it was really fun. We all drew ourselves in the armor and just had a fun time. Miriam made us tamales, which were delicious!!! There were chicken ones with salsa and then also dessert ones. The dessert ones were a little interesting but they weren't too bad. They are just the cutest little family. I just love them! Today is also Natasha's birthday! =) She is so hilarious. She was telling us when Miriam went to check the tamales (she went outside and so we asked how they made them) she tells us "we put them over a fire outside, it's the Mexican way". haha. I about died laughing. And cute Miriam invited us over tonight to have cake with them. It is a surprise, Natasha doesn't know we are coming! =) haha. Apparently we are like Natasha's best friends. She just loves us. And it was cute she did a drawing of her person in armor and then she saw that I was doing me as a missionary and so was Hermana Newman so she was like wait, I want to draw me as a missionary so she redid her whole drawing! It was adorable! And she is already calculating how much it is to go on a mission and she wants to start saving. She is going to be one little strong girl in the gospel! =)
This week Hermana Johnson also left her youth. . .She is now a 20 year old. We have been giving her crap all week! To be honest she was happy.
She was hilarious first off because she thought we had forgotten her birthday last Monday because we didn't buy any cake. . Like we could forget, she had been talking about it for weeks!.
But we had fun. . we snuck around last Monday and Tuesday and prepared things. We made her cupcakes, and got her a cute gift. She was in tears when she opened it. She is hilarious! We also made her crepes in the morning, she got in the shower and we just went into attack mode. We wrapping papered her into the bathroom, decorated the apartment and started the crepes! We also went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate, where I may have almost started crying because I was so happy to hear some country music. =) It was pretty ridiculous! But I was in heaven for that hour. . Listening (but not) to some good ole country music.  Tim didn't come on at all, but I did hear a Brad Paisley song and it was wonderful. haha. =) Yes, I am a little bit of a looney. But I loved it!
This week was hard to have motivation. . I think we just had lots of bummer things, we had to drop almost all of our investigators and then the other Hermanas baptism fell through on Wednesday (which was also Hermana Johnson's birthday). So that was a bummer, but we have forged through and remained strong! 
Sometimes I think we have a little too much fun together. I would be shocked if President keeps us all here another transfer because we are just a little too crazy sometimes.. =) I have definitely added to my lifespan from laughing and I get a seriously great ab workout at the same time! =) Want to be fit?!? Just move in with Hermanas. . haha.
 I'm trying to think what else has happened this week. . :)
Not too much else. . that was the main highlights of the week. Although one day we all talked about just mission life and how different we thought it would be. It was a really interesting conversation. I also decided I want to read a lot more into the tribes and learn more about that after the mission. I still have so much more I can learn and need to know! It is ridiculous!
The other Hermana’s treat me so wonderfully! Hermana Newman and I came home to shakes on our desk one night. haha. They know me oh so well! =)
It has been so fun to hear all about your lives! I love you all so much and miss you! You keep me motivated. . whenever I feel bad for myself I just think "I am so selfish! I want to go be with my family. . but do you know what. . .I am letting other people have the chance to have their families for eternity!"
I couldn't imagine not living with all of you for eternity! You make my life what it is and I am so grateful for each of your examples to me. You are truly all so wonderful and I can't wait to return and have the time to get to know all of you so much better! But right now I just know how much my Heavenly Father needs me here for other people. . to let them have the gospel change their lives so one day they can have their families for eternity!
I am also so grateful for all of my friends. You all have been wonderful examples. . It is incredible to see so many of you entering the mission field and just enjoying life! Thanks for all of your support!
And also my ward family back home!
You are the greatest! I didn't realize how special my ward was (to the extent that I do now, I knew we were special) but how incredibly united we are. It is so different here in this branch, a good different, but sometimes I just miss how wonderful our ward is. We have something unique and I always can feel your love and support from afar! Thank you all so much for your letters/emails of encouragement, and for all your prayers! =)
I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful week!
Enjoy the pool!
I CALL FIRST IN THE POOL NEXT YEAR!!!! =) (you better believe it! I think the night I get off the mission. . haha)
Love you all! Have a great week, stay safe and remember who you are and where you came from, and that this sister missionary loves you!
Hermana Gray

i just thought this was hilarious

Hermana Johnson turned 20

more greenery

some of the greenery for Tiff!  It is so green EVERYWHERE!!

Natasha wanted to be like us as a missionary warrior. haha.
Miriam's drawing. . she kept saying "I'm not a good drawer. haha"

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