Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy Happy Birthday to the best mom in the world! =)

Hello family and friends,
WOW! I can't believe I am writing you already, it seems like minutes ago I was on last preparation writing you all about my week! =)
I SURVIVED TRANSFERS!!! (crazy they were already here yet again, calls were last Saturday). I will be spending the next 6 weeks of my life in VA Beach once again with Hermana Sahleen! I am really excited! Hermana Sahleen and I are so happy to be staying together for another transfer, it seems like this area is starting to really pick up and we are seeing so many miracles from our hard work. We have seen so many miracles from talking to everyone and just being diligent even when we don't know what else to do. We have contacted over 10 people this week from referrals we have received, and even though not every one of those ended in a lesson they at least were put in contact with the missionaries. It always amazes me that people remember the missionaries even if they only talked to them once on a doorstep.
I have met so many people that say, oh you are the people that ride the bikes, or that have some other book. I have heard about you before. And normally they are more accepting to us once they recognize who we are. So many people respect our work. =)
Today I have been thinking how crazy it is that I am a missionary. . .haha. I remember this week last year. I had my papers in and we were all super excited to have Collin home so soon. Then Pioneer Day roles around and I go to the mailbox and the little envelope that holds my future was there. I had the chance to open it among so many family and friends and it says "Virginia Chesapeake mission, Spanish speaking". And now I am here and am almost half way done. It seems so crazy to me what the Lord had in store for my life. I am so grateful for this past year of my life and the many miracles and blessings I have seen because of it.
A mission changes you in ways you didn't think were possible.
This past week was so great! We had so much success.
We actually started the week off with exchanges with the Sister Training leaders which was kind of fun! I went English so I was happy, (it is hard teaching all by yourself! It is rough!), and so I went to Norfolk for the day. I had lots of fun. We went and taught this lady named Phyllis who I actually found! My first week that I was here we had been tracting close to the bay and Phyllis said she would be interested. So we gave the referral over to English. And now her and her granddaughter have baptismal dates! =) It was nice to see that this person I met, knocking some doors, is now getting closer and closer to baptism! Making a covenant with her father in heaven. =)
We also had the chance to teach some cute little kids. One of their Recent Converts has a little boy who is about to turn 8 so they are teaching him the lessons. We had an incredible lesson on the plan of salvation, and it was so cute when this little boy realized that he gets to see his dad again (he died last year). It was so cute to hear him say how much he loved his dad and just can't wait to see him again. I loved that lesson so much! =)
We had lots of other little lessons throughout the day and even had a chance to do service which was different because as Spanish missionaries I feel we rarely are given service opportunities. But I was sure happy to come back and be back to my area and my companion and of course to the Spanish people. For some reason it was so difficult for me to teach in English. . it just didn't flow as smoothly. I am extremely grateful for the gift of tongues and the chance I have to serve the Spanish people here.
We had many miracles come from this exchange. Hermana Sahleen had the chance to teach a few of our investigators we haven't been able to see in a while. And she even gave us a new Investigator! =)
We had the chance to teach Jay and Nico this week! We had a pretty good lesson with them. We talked about the plan of salvation and about the importance of this life especially. We talked about baptism and they didn't accept a date. They said they felt like the need more time to know the gospel. Which is really great to me that these teenage boys feel like they need to truly understand something before they enter into this covenant. So even though we don't have anyone set for baptism it is amazing to see them preparing themselves so fully to become a member. =)
We had a great lesson with two new investigators. We knocked their trailer last week and they told us to come back Saturday. So we go back and meet the mom, maria for the first time. So we start having a lesson with her and she is kind of into it but not at the same time. Then her husband comes in from working outside and joins the lesson. Then he was telling us all about how he saw missionaries before and how he really respects our religion and things like that. it was really neat. He said he is catholic and will never change but out of respect he listens to other religions. Since he joined us so late we decided since we were basically out of time that we would just share the Book of Mormon. It was really neat because their hearts were so softened. He really was intrigued by the Book of Mormon and was willing to read the introduction. We are really excited because we see so much potential with them! =) They are both so nice and I can see many miracles coming from their family. =)
 We also had a pretty good lesson with Carmen. She is the mother of a less active. She is probably in her 70's. She is VERY Catholic. But we had a really great conversation on faith and she seems like she has a little interest. They actually are having us over for lunch tomorrow too. Hopefully we can make some progress in this family.
 We did have the chance to do some service this week too! We helped Hna. Oswald move to a new apartment and it was nice to have a little change to missionary work. =)
Well, sorry that this week sounds kind of boring. .
Not too many crazy exciting things are happening. . just the same old same old with missionary work. Just out here trying to help some people come closer to Christ. ;)
I hope you all are having a great week!
I know that some really special people in my life are celebrating their birthdays this week and just had their birthdays! July brought so many really neat people into this world. I am so grateful for them!
I want to wish, Graycie Lou, Diva Dearest, and Katie Hoggan a very happy birthday! And most importantly my sweet mommy dear! I love you all and hope you have a wonderful birthday! Don't celebrate too crazily. . ;) I know you and you all can get pretty wild.
I love all of you and am so grateful for your support in my life. I wouldn't be where I am today without all of you and I am thankful for that! You are such great examples! Keep sharing the Gospel and being wonderful people!
Remember who you are and where you came from,
the church is true!

Hermana Gray

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