Monday, March 24, 2014

White Looks Great! =)

Oh family family family, I miss you all so much! But I am sure you can tell this week was REALLY wonderful. It was truly incredible actually. =)
White really does look good on people! ;)
We had a baptism! It was truly the greatest day of my mission so far. . . and also the worst and saddest day of my mission so far.
We were having such a wonderful day. We ate lunch at a member's home, the Richie's. We were running around getting things ready for the baptism. Just a busy day.
Well we texted Esteban at 6 saying his ride was on their way. He replied something super weird so we decided to call him. and He backed out. . It was SUPER SAD! I was a little devastated. It came out of no where for me. Especially because our last lesson with him he was so excited, practicing giving his testimony for the baptism. And was just truly enthusiastic and it took me by surprise. It hurt to see him be so unwanting of the greatest gift heavenly father has to offer us, eternal salvation, and we can only receive this gift if we enter into the waters of baptism.
It was shocking though. He told us he doesn't ever want to talk to us again and that he knows it is all true. He just can't do it anymore. It was super sad.
But on the way to the library today I heard a quote from Elder Holland that I just loved. . "missionary work isn't easy because salvation isn't easy!" How true is that!?! I was in LOVE with this quote. It just makes sense. =)
And I truly know that Heavenly father watches out for us. He knew Hermana Nord and I would need something happy to happen that night so he still let us have a baptism. He made it possible for Natasha and Miriam to enter the waters of baptism (one early than expected!) so that we would have something to make us happy again. It literally saved the day for me. Seeing how happy they were to make this covenant with their father in heaven. 
They were so adorable! They were a little nervous. But the joy to see their faces as they went into the baptismal font was priceless. That is what missionary work is about. Bringing others the Joy of the gospel. The knowledge of the atonement and eternal life. I am so happy I had the chance to teach these two beautiful daughters of God! =)
Miriam and Natasha both shared their testimonies. Natasha's was so adorable! She was talking about how much she LOVES the book of Mormon and how as a family they are in Jacob 4 and how she loves family home evening and how this is the only true gospel. It was so great! To see such great faith in an 8 year old is truly incredible to me. I am so blessed to have her example in my life. She is going to be a great leader in the church one day.
Miriam's testimony was so powerful. It truly helped me know why I am on a mission. She thanked each of us sincerely for bringing her family together. That she knows without a doubt the gospel is true. That her family has been so blessed because of this knowledge. That they are more united and have a chance to have an eternal family.
She is such an incredible lady. I can only imagine the wonderful things she will accomplish in such a short time in this branch. I also cannot wait until this family will be sealed in the temple one day. They deserve the best. They have sacrificed so much to have the gospel and I know they will be so blessed because of it! =)
This week was really good.
I had the chance to do exchanges and stay in the area by myself and Sister Anderson came here. So yep, had to do ALL the lessons by myself in Spanish. It truly was a wonderful experience for me. I learned a lot, including that I know more Spanish then I think I do. haha. No way am I even close to perfect.(I took the grammar assessment and got a 61%, , , haha. Oh goodness am I not the greatest at Spanish! But it was improvement so I will take it!). But I could at least hold my own conversational wise for a day. I was impressed. haha. It was also a great chance to learn that I am progressing and that I need to work on some things in the lessons. Like extending commitments early and just small things but things that make a difference! =)
I also learned that I tend to be more open when I feel comfortable or I know the person doesn't care that my Spanish isn't perfect. haha. For example I had a conversation with Angel for 40 minutes on the phone. But it was because I knew he didn't care that I wasn't perfect. I just need to spread that confidence more when I talk to those I don't know well because they don't care either. At least I am trying! =)
This past Friday was Zone Conference! It was truly INCREDIBLE!! I enjoyed it SO SO much! =)
President Baker and sister baker did such an incredible job. I learned so much from each of them. . and also all the other trainings we had.
But one of my favorite parts of the day was with President Baker. . He was explaining just some stuff about missionary work (very broad I know) but he said something that changed my whole attitude. He said, "I believe all missionaries should STAY UNCOMFORTABLE. Because that means they are learning." And I know that to be so true. That the best missionaries are those who are continually trying to improve and better because they aren't perfect. It is when they start to feel comfortable with the missionary they are that they start to slacken. I need to remember to always stay uncomfortable with who I am as a missionary. I can ALWAYS improve and be better. There is always something to learn and become better at. =)
I am excited also because we have Stake Conference this week! And it is all about "hastening the work of salvation" (I'm sure you all remember OUR stake conference on this!) But I thought it was really neat. .
President Hamilton is having all the missionaries meet at 6:40 on Saturday night to have a prayer. Then the meeting will start. And President or sister baker are going to start speaking and all the missionaries will walk in singing called to serve and walk up in front of them. Then we will sit on the stand the whole time. And at the end they will have us close the meeting along with all the youth who will be there (because now it's 12 and up and all!) and we will sing we'll bring the world his truth. I truly think this will be such an inspiration and I hope it will all go so well and inspire all those around us to be missionaries. Because we can't do this work without their help!
Hermana Nord and I had a really great companionship inventory this past week. She truly thanked me for accepting her as she is and I am so grateful for her example. She makes me laugh. But she truly is an incredible person. So tender hearted and loves every person to their potential. I am definitely trying to become more like her and see others to their potential. It was such a great inventory.
Transfer calls come this Sunday  so I will see if I am switching it up. That'll be interesting!
I love you all! Have such a great week!
Remember who you are and where you come from! Don't party too hard with the birthdays this week!
Feliz cumpleanos! Logan and Tiff!!! =) I love you both so much and hope you have a wonderful birthday! Le amo! =)

Hermana Gray

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