Hola Familia y amigos!
Well this week was HILARIOUS! Full of many exciting adventures and seriously it was just fun. That's how I am going to leave the mission... just having as much fun as I can! (along with doing missionary work of course!).
Where to start with interesting stories??
This week we were walking to one of our appointments and in the true missionary fashion we were talking with EVERYONE along their way.
So we meet this black guy who was stinking hilarious. His name was Robbie. As we are talking to him he is just being so hilarious. He says "I see yall walking down here all the time.... what are ya Jehovah's Witnesses??"
As we are talking he keeps making funny comments. He asked us where we were walking to and we tell him that we were walking to this one trailer park. "Girls... now where your car at? You pretty girls don't need to be walking.... I know yall probably think ya fat and all but girls you mighty fine... now this one (Me... haha.) ya look like a porcelain doll."
We talk to him for a while longer. . meanwhile he says "girl ya like a porcelain doll" to me like a bazillion times. I just laugh it off. And he told us to go get our car like five times too. It was just a hoot.
We did end up talking to his next door neighbor though and giving him a book of Mormon. :) It was a great day.
Another fun experience we had was with this guy named Javier.
The only night we did have scheduled for dinner until I leave was Saturday. So Hermana Limb, Earl, and I decide we are going to eat at the taco trailer... yes! I am so excited all day. On our their way we are just happier then ever talking to everyone... get there... NO ONE is there... literally NO cars.. nothing. (maybe they shut down?) anyways... I was all sad about it. Disappointed that I was not going to eat some real tacos...
As we are walking back to the car I am like... lets walk the main road so we can talk to more people. Walking back... Hermana Limb views this old Hispanic guy goes up to talk to him... asks him in English if he wants a card. (I recognize immediately he doesn't speak English. haha. So I think it is hilarious at this point). He then is like "I don't speak English". Then we talk to him in Spanish. Meanwhile his friend, Javier, comes out. He then invites us in to eat... low and behold. . .. TACOS!
I am STOKED! He then lets us in and we eat tacos with him! He is hilarious... he keeps on being like my house is your house, etc. Yes, He was a little drunk but he was super nice and didn't do anything weird. He did get a little touchy. haha.
But he proceeds to make us tacos. I am like this is too good of a moment to NOT get a photo so I ask him if I can take a photo. He's like wait... then proceeds to set up the kitchen so I can get a good 'action shot' of him cooking. (yes... yes... hilarious).
He gives us all tacos. I get three really dang good tacos! Heavenly father was watching out for me... I was just so excited for them. Hermana Earl and Limb got three really fatty meat tacos... they struggled. Hermana Earl had to slip some into a napkin and stick it in her bag. haha.
But to me they were pretty darn delicious! =)
One thing that I think is funny to think about is that Heavenly Father really does watch out for his missionaries. I mean... three young girls... speaking Spanish to this random drunk guy... get offered tacos (hello red flag!)... but yet we all survive are fine and we even taught him a short lesson. And we set a return appointment up with him. Sometimes I think if mom and dad knew everything I did as a missionary they would not have let me go. . ;) Good thing I am done soon so I don't have them petition for me to come home early. haha.
Now for a spiritual experience of the week. .
We have a new investigator! (actually two! but that is for a different time)...
We were looking through our formers last week and decided to call this man named Victor. As we were talking to him and seeing if we could meet with him again he was so enthusiastic and excited. He set up a lesson for sunday.
We call him sunday before the lesson and are checking to make sure everything was still good (he said he might have to work). DRASTIC difference..
I heard him hesitate before he said yes we can come over... I was all skeptical at this point... what could the change be? We went in prepared to teach the Restoration fo the gospel. within the first few minutes I could feel that it wasn't what we were supposed to teach. . proceed to talk to him for a few moments. His dad died the Friday we called him of lung cancer. He told us that he wasn't sure what happens after this life. I had the opportunity to bare testimony of the plan of salvation. Share with him about my grandfathers and also just of my certainty of him seeing his dad again. It was a really spiritual lesson.
this week we also met Alonso! (I think...)...
He was sitting on the porch of a less actives house and he proceeds to let us in. We talk to him... teach him the whole restoration. It was very spiritual. His dad had also died a few days before we got there. He then proceeded to tell us how he'd been sitting on the porch and was all sad but when he saw us his attitude changed. He knew he needed to talk with us. We then asked him if he wanted to learn more. the bummer thing is is he lives in Elizabeth City full time. So we have to give him over to the zone leaders. It will be a hoot for them to teach him though with the language barrier. I think they might try to set up a way where they can have us Skype in to teach him. Although I am sure they can just teach him since he's been here for about 15 years... He understand English pretty decently. :)
Well family.... it's the final countdown...
I love yall so much! I am excited to see yall next week and talk to ya on sunday!
Be good, be safe.
I'll see ya next week.
I'll see ya next week.
Over and out.
Hermana Gray
Brother and Sister Bruce |
Jasmin |
Random guy that made us tacos |
The Clark's |
Sister Huggins |
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