Monday, September 15, 2014

I looked out the window and what did I see???

Two sister missionaries biking like crazy. ;)
Okay, I am no poet as you can tell but it is true. This week we had the chance to hit the bikes! :) haha. 
 Surprisingly I LOVED it!!! So relaxing.
Saturday we spent the day down in Manteo (it's about thirty minutes away from us) and so we parked at Bishops home and got bikes from him. Then we biked all day! It was really fun.
We got on our bikes and headed out for the day. Tried to hit up a few potentials but didn't have any luck. . then we may have gotten caught in a huge rainstorm. haha. So we were DRENCHED by the time we left. We stopped riding at about five, and I still wasn't dried off by the time we got home. :( But all is well. Definitely worth the experience!!!
This week we saw SO many miracles, I had the most lessons so far taught in one week on my mission this week. We just saw TREMENDOUS blessings. Personally I think it was because we had Exchange miracles!!!
Monday we went to the aquarium and had a sister's preparation day! We went with the other sisters in our ward and then the sister training leaders also came. Elizabeth City Hermanas decided not to drive down. But we had a blast anyways! We went and saw all the little fishes, touched some starfish and crabs (although I didn't participate in the crab part too much... still have too many awful experiences with them! ;) ). Then we did exchanges with the STL's. It was REALLY fun! And really needed. I just love sister Randall to death! We had a blast! Sister Randall and I came out at the same time but due to MTC time we didn't come officially to the field together but we leave together. :) I just admire her so much, she is a fantastic missionary! Just so enthusiastic all the time.
We saw exchange miracles though! We both ended up working our areas due to mile situation. So Sister Randall and I just tried out little hearts out because I had no idea what in the world was happening. . it was only my third official day day in the area. haha. So we worked hard! We did a lot of contacting/potential finding. And I found two really great potentials!!! First off we met Israel as we were out tracting in Kill Devil Hills. He actually lives in Manteo and we had the chance to visit him on Saturday night and share the Restoration with him! He was really interested. He doesn't have religion in his life too much and just wants to listen. He accepted the baptismal invitation. But I am not too sure if he really understands what kind of a commitment that is. So we are probably going to reteach it a little. :)
We also met Alan. He was outside his home and we just approached him. He was super nice. He is about 23ish. He was nice though. I asked him about his life and things. He doesn't really know much of Christ, basically he believes that he exists but doesn't know anything about him.He wasn't raised with any religion in his life. I gave him a BOM and told him if he would read it his relationship with Christ would grow so much. He accepted it. I also invited him to Spanish Sacrament meeting on Sunday! And he CAME!!!! =)
I was so excited to see him. We found him a ride and everything. And basically the whole meeting was for him. . Spanish sacrament is every other sunday at five o clock. Bishop is nice enough to conduct it (well. . try to. ;) ). It is really great though. A couple of members come and support but only Alan was the native Spanish speaker. We did have one member there who is fluent in Spanish, Torin. He gave the gospel principles for us. A talk was given by an English member but he gave it in Spanish.
And coll. . you would be proud. I knew that Torin learned his Spanish from Argentina. haha. =) I thought it sounded funny and I was like wait. . . that is how Collin spoke it. =) So you know. . the Argentina accent sounds a little funny. ;)
We also met with an investigator named Doris. She is super nice. She is very interested in the gospel. She was a former investigator and we decided to stop by and visit her. She had some really great questions. haha. She asked how was Joseph smith able to see God and Christ in his normal body. . anyways it was some deep questions. She seems super wonderful though and I think she has so much potential! We are visiting again with her this next week.
We also stopped in on Jeydi. She was also a former. She has the cutest little baby, well he's one ish. He is cute though. He kept trying to throw toys and things. it was hilarious. We were supposed to have a lesson with her yesterday but her baby was sick. So she cancelled on us. which was a bummer. :(
I don't have my journal on me which stinks because my memory just seems to mush together. . so sorry if this is scattered. :)
Wednesday was really great! I loved it. We again went down to manteo and did some work down there. We also apparently teach an English class down there each Wednesday. I had a blast! A member in our ward owns Spencer Yahts, a huge company out here. He has lots of Hispanics who work for him and has offered them some type of deal if they take over twenty hours of English classes. So we go and volunteer to teach each week! =) Which is wonderful. I had lots of fun with it. I think they really liked me as the teacher. haha. Just imagine about 15 Hispanic men doing head shoulders knees and toes. . yes, entertainment for sure. =) We now have the church program though so hopefully we can actually start the program the week following this week. We have zone conference this Wednesday in VA Beach! :)
But I really enjoyed teaching the English class. :) It was pretty hilarious. And I think somehow I owe one of them pizza. . . not sure how that works. But they are now under the assumption that I owe them pizza. haha. =)
I don't know how to explain what a wonderful week this has been. . I don't really have any amazing incredible stories per say. But the spirit that was here throughout the whole week just was incredible. The people here are just waiting to hear the gospel!
Many people just opened their doors and let us in. Many of the lessons this week were just he first lesson, the Restoration, so not too much varied from each investigator. Just the spirits of the investigators. I wish I could explain how it feels to see them listen to the gospel for the first time, or realize that they have the truth before them. I know many of them are scared once they realize the message is true because that means that they have to make changes and sacrifices in their lives.
We taught a lesson to Eduardo this week. He was super great. He had a friend there who immediately joined in than afterwards invited us to teach him and his son that Friday. It ended up falling through for a couple of different reasons but I think he has a lot of potential. :) We also have his address, so he made it a lot easier for us. haha.
This week was incredible though. We also had the chance to watch the CES fireside last night. D. Todd Christofferson spoke and it was excellent. If you didn't get the chance to watch it, go and listen! It was very inspiring. It applies to all of us.
Sorry I feel like this letter is kind of boring. . haha. But I don't know what else to say! Know that I love and miss you! =) The life as a missionary is great and wonderful! =) So much to express but I just don't know how. I hope all of you have an excellent week. Keep up the good work.
Read, Pray, and go to church! You will feel oh so much better! =)

I guess I will share what I was reading about in the book of Mormon this morning. I am starting it over and have decided to mark each time it mentions a member of the Godhead (different colors) then when it talks about the atonement. anyways, I was reading Lehi's vision and it was super wonderful. I think it was with elder Bednar but he told us to think of the tree as Christ and the fruit as his atonement.
and I LOVED verses 10-12 in chapter 8 when you substitute the words.

"And it came to pass that I beheld Christ whose atonement was desirable to make one happy. and it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the atonement thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted. yea, and I beheld that the atonement thereof was white, to exceed all whiteness that I had ever seen. And as I partook of the atonement thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy; wherefore I began to be desirous that my family should partake of it also; for I knew that it was desirable above all other sacrifices."

Know that the atonement is there to make us feel that joy and happiness we are missing in our lives. I am so grateful I have the opportunity to use the atonement each and every day. We are so blessed to have a Savior and Redeemer. I know that as we trust in him and give Him our problems, we will feel of his love. Trust in him a little more this week. Give him your burdens, he will make you stronger.

I love you,
Hermana Gray

p.s. hopefully next week will be all the more exciting. ;)

me and sister randall on exchanges

Hermana Harrison with me by the sound.  We are at the aquarium.

a pig!

Biking day!

Riding a turtle, as per norm

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