Monday, September 29, 2014

2 Nephi 2:24

Hello family and friends!
This week was slow but good.
Not too much happened with our investigators, we are at the state of deciding who the 'elect' are and if they are willing to progress. =) So mostly it is the game of deciding what is the intentions of people. Which is difficult. But necessary.
We had the chance to talk to many less active members and members about General Conference! I am so excited for this marvelous week! I know that we can receive so much revelation during conference!
My favorite part of the week was probably teaching English class in Manteo. We teach an English class every Wednesday at Spencer yaht's. A member of our ward lets us teach his workers once a week. They are the greatest though! We have about 12-15 come each week. So that is really exciting. We are hoping that we can find investigators through this. They are the best though. I come out laughing each time. I think that they are surprised this little blonde haired girl can whip out some Spanish to them and then they are  just hilarious!
So we were teaching about families and relatives and what not. how to describe your family. We are doing the Daily dose program the church has put out. Anyways I am introducing myself and saying 'I am an aunt, I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers, and I am single, I am not married." haha. Something to that degree. Anyways according to Hermana Harrison one of them just raised their eyebrows really high at that. It made me laugh. Then Rudy (he speaks pretty good English) asked me why I am not married, then I explained that we are missionaries. Then the guy got all disappointed. =) haha. Oh goodness.
We didn't really have that many lessons this week. More just trying to catch our investigators and set up appointments and what not. We did have the chance to talk to a potential named Jose Luis. He is super nice. We shared with him about the Book of Mormon. He was really open with it. His wife wasn't home so it was just a quick porch lesson with him. and we talked a lot of just the trials in life in general. it was really pretty neat. He shared a lot of information with us. He didn't set a return appointment due to work. But we are going to try to get him and his wife to have a lesson this week and invite the Balladares family (who they know!). I think it would go really well. So hopefully that happens this week! :)
We had two really great ward/town parties this week.
We had the ward talent night which we (well mostly the other sisters) put on for the ward. it was really neat. Lot of different talents from jumping a chair on a skateboard, to quilting, to us singing a really bad rendition of called to serve (haha. It was interesting we tried singing it in Spanish and English for one verse... not a good idea!)., overall it was a great night! My favorite talent was the magician. He called this adorable boy up and helped him move some balls around in this tube. It was cute. our investigator Blair helped be the magicians assistant too. and I think she really enjoyed it. She got really into it and dressed up even. =)
We also had the Fish Fry, where I had the chance to be introduced to the south and enjoy one of the most coveted secret recipes. . . the Spencer's hush puppies! Oh man was I in Heaven! =) I really enjoyed them. It was also a great time for us to meet lots of non-members. We even found a potential investigator! His name is Boni. He was a former investigator but he said that we could try to stop by and teach his family sometime. =) So we will see. The fish fry was really fun though. Had the chance to get to know the ward a little better and also lots of their friends. I think it was overall a complete success. =)
At District meeting we had the zone leaders present and also one of the assistants, Elder haderlie. He did a really great training on enjoying missionary work as a missionary. And just learning to love Christ more. Super powerful. I really liked something our district leader said though, he said "if it does not uplift or edify our purpose it is a waste of time". I really enjoyed that. I think Elder Munsey is spot on with that bit of advice. It is so true. We need to constantly be uplifting our purpose. Then will we see success. =)
Sunday we had the chance to sing in Sacrament meeting. The other sisters and us joined in and sang the song 'come unto christ' the youth song for this year. It was very powerful. I also think everyone would be impressed to know that I sang a bit of a solo during the song. haha. Whew, glad that is over. ;) But the spirit was so powerful during sacrament, many of the members were in tears for our song. I think it was really a powerful tool in the conversions of the members more. it was excellent.
We also re-sang it at Spanish sacrament that evening. Really it was pretty funny since it was basically just us, the sisters, the bishop and two other people. It was good though. A less-active was there and so I think he really enjoyed it (although he had come to English sacrament too). I also spoke during Spanish sacrament. I don't know why everyone likes me to speak in church but it seems to be the common thing when I am in a different area, or the same one. haha.
This week was okay. Lots of great little blessings that I have realized are helping me become a better person.
I really enjoyed watching the woman's session of general conference! I am excited to once again have the opportunity to hear from our living day prophet. =)
To answer your question mom, we watched it at the church, actually in the Relief society room with the Roku. But as missionaries we can watch general conference at the church, but our mission president has also given us the chance to watch it in a member's home if we want to. I personally like it a lot at the church. It is very powerful and less distractions. =)
I really enjoyed the talk Linda K. Burton gave. I enjoyed her relating it to the parable of the ten virgins. I was also really interested that most of the talks given were on temples! I am so excited to return and go to the temple once again! that will be a glorious day! But as for now I am just going to constantly prepare myself and be prepared to enter the temple at all times. =) President Uchtdorf's talk was also very inspiring. I feel like he is just always so powerful. I loved his comparison to an umbrella and blocking the blessings.
I started to ask myself how many spiritual blessings and blessings in general am I blocking because of my umbrella?!? Well hopefully none! But I know I am imperfect so hopefully I can close that umbrella little by little and become better.
I hope all of those who have yet to watch it will! I know you will be blessed. Take the time to watch the women's session. It was marvelous!
I also would like to challenge all to watch all four sessions of general conference. Only twice a year do we have the chance to listen to the living prophets and apostles in such an inspiring session. I know that your questions will be answered. Lives will be changed. I hope that you take the time out of your busy life to enjoy general conference!
I love you all so much!
I hope that you take this challenge,
I know you will be blessed.
Love you,
Hermana Gray

"where much is given, much more will be required." Linda K. Burton

my all time favorite, the magician!

a day as a missionary

Marta gave us empenadas to go on our lovely day of biking!

a piggly wiggly exists!

talent night

Torin jumping the chair with his skateboard.



us with blair, our investigator who helped as the magicians assistant.

Dad, thought this fish would impress you.  It was caught by brother Spencer.  He builds yachts/boats for a living.  But he really loves fishing so i thought you'd be friends.

State lines.  Welcome to Zone conference!  Last week pictures that wouldn't upload

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