Monday, August 18, 2014

the week of craziness...guns, bands, cars, the life I suppose.

Hello FAMILY! and friends!
Oh how I just miss you all so much, I loved reading your emails this week. As always I got some great laughs, especially thanks to Tiff for the recap on the family reunions, definitely was laughing pretty hard at some comments. =) I have some to realize on my mission how much a family really means. And to be honest I of course have the BEST family in the world. Nothing can top it. =) So sorry to all of you who think you have the best family, cause you are WRONG! ;)
Well, this week just FLEW right on by. I have no idea how it is already Monday yet again but it comes. =)
This week we had so much to do and then it all fell through really. But we saw some pretty neat miracles.
Our car had to get oil changed and tires rotated so we spent a little of our day at Pep Boys. Just having the car worked on. Which meant we had less time out and about in the field.
We had lunch at Hna Suarez's and she told us that Robin Williams died. Oh yes, Hermana Sahleen and I were super sad. We then would quote random things all day from his movies. ;) We are crazy! But it was fun.
We also went to a members for dinner that night and she told us all about her life. how she is divorcing her husband and things. It was really interesting. It is amazing to me how easily people trust you and are just open with you. It was super sad to hear her tell us everything. and we can't really help at all, so we just listened. Which in a way I think is the most important. Most people just want to tell you and have you listen. I think if we could all perfect listening relationships would be so much stronger. =)
We also had some success with a less active this week! There are two less active older woman that live in the same home. Zaira and Alicia. Alicia is way more open to having the missionaries visit her, Zaira not so much. But we went and Alicia wasn't home but Zaira let us and let us share a message with her. I think she is slowly warming up to us. =) Hopefully we can see some progress with her and her sweet family soon.
This week we stopped by Patty's home, it was her birthday! We shared a quick message with her about God being our loving Heavenly Father, because she had friends coming over in twenty minutes. But one of my favorite parts of the lesson was when she told our member who is married to an American, "all Peruvian girls marry American men!" She was really concerned at how that happens. It just made me laugh. People will make the funniest comments.
We had a really fun dinner this week with the Dison family. They are a couple with three kids. They both served Spanish speaking missions and go to the branch as a support. It was super fun though! They are just so neat. It was nice to teach an actual FAMILY too! We loved it! I made this memory game to play with the kids. I was like 'we rarely get to teach little kids! We have to do something fun!' they seemed to really enjoy it! The parents thought it was genius idea. I had a fun time over at their home, and sister dison made this really good chicken apple craisin thing. DELICIOUS! And it might have even been more since it was my first American dish in a while. haha. =)
I also got an exciting letter from Hermana Newman this week!! =)
She told me that Edilberta is set for baptism on the 26th of August! She has her interview tomorrow so send some prayers that way! And hopefully I can get approval to go to it too! =)
And she also said that Presidente Chamberlain received new counselors and that Hermano Ramirez (jesus) is the 2nd counselor!! =) I am so happy for that! He is such a great person. I can't believe what a change he has had in his life this year! Going from less active to being a counselor in the branch presidency, and seeing your wife and daughter be baptized! It comes to show that with the Lord's help all things really are possible. And in a short time you CAN change your life around, if you are willing to accept the Lord's help through the repentance process! =)
We were doing a little bit of tracting and a funny thing happened. Patty watches a couple of kids during the day. Anyways, we were tracting in a completely different trailer park and the door opens and it is a little girl that Patty watches. SHe was like "how'd you know I lived here?!?" she was very concerned about this. =) yes, we are crazy stalkers. ;) Nah, we just have the instincts to knock on the door. Personally I don't think it was coincidence at all! I think that little girl needs to have us in her home. =)
We also had a 'ward' party. Okay not really but it was a birthday party for Hermana Rodriguez, so basically it was a ward party. It was super fun!
the ward was all there and we had some delicious 'bbq' food. . Hispanic bbq though, so chicken from a bone, rice, and beans, potatoes. The norm.
But there was a full on miriatchi (can't spell!) band and then a couple of the members in the ward dressed up and did reenactments of people. Like Michael Jackson and things. Then they had a full on dance party! It was very entertaining! =)
We met a really great potential named Mari! we knocked on her door and she let us in and let us share the message of the Restoration with her. SHe is super nice and I think she will be a great investigator here in the near future! She said before the lesson that she lets 'missionaries/preachers' in her home whenever they knock but none of them have ever helped her to know why there are so many churches on the earth today. I was like, I think we can help you with that answer. And when we were talking about the Gran apostasia, she was like, WOW that makes sense! It was really neat to see the gospel answer someones question so perfectly. I truly was amazed how much Heavenly Father does that. =)
President and sister Baker came around and did apartment checks this week. They walked in and immediately "this must have been an Elders apartment". haha. Made me laugh. Then Sister baker was all worried because she thought they had resigned the contract for another year, but we told her that they didn't. So she was like "oh good, I was really worried for you!". I think we will be moving apartments sometime in October? Who knows. =) But that was joyous news. President and Sister Baker are so cute, they even shared a little message with us before they left and brought us popcorn. =)
We had a pretty good lesson with Maria, Juan was working! She REALLY enjoyed church and is excited to come again. She even wants to attend the relief society activity on Saturday! =) Hopefully we will see some great progress with them soon. They are both a good way into the start of the Book of Mormon. About 15 chapters in. Personally I think when people start reading is when you see the most progress! =)
We saw something SUPER crazy! We were driving down this main road. We see this guy running from this lady, trip into the street, almost get hit by a car. Then the lady is holding a gun on him! It was NUTS!!! But really kind of exciting at the same time. I am pretty sure she was an undercover cop. A cop was coming pretty quickly too in a car. It was just a little crazy. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that in person. Just shows you that the world is still the same I guess. . just as crazy as always. =)
Well, family not too much else has changed in the life of this missionary. Just out knocking and spreading the gospel. One door at a time! =)
I hope you all have an excellent week, Remember I love you and that Heavenly Father is always there! I'm just an email away if you need anything! =)
Love you,
Hermana Gray

"Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness CAN change the world."-Holland

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